Even in the most urban of settings, our eyes crave the richness of soil.

A garden replete with tomatoes, marigolds and floating butterflies – count us in. Earth tones symbolize fertility, growth and the promise of a future harvest. It’s of little surprise that we are drawn to the depth, warmth, and comfort of this palette in the home.

Maison de Vacances offers a selection of luxe textiles that crosses between tightly woven linens, intricate jacquards and smooth, shiny velvet. Experts in the tonal realm, designer Michèle Fouks and her team of French textile artisans have created versatile homegoods that can be layered to taste.

The dynamic nature of an earth tone palette leaves room for interpretation – add white to achieve a lighthearted country feel, while a touch of red or blue will ignite a bohemian atmosphere. When layered together with a selection of vintage Suzani pillows – strikingly patterned with brown and coral embroidery – this same color provides the background for an inspired, traveled presence.