When considering Greig Porter’s jewelry, the first thing that comes to mind is vibrant color.

It is the guiding line in Greig Porter’s jewelry collection and what attracts him to the specific stones he selects. Of note from his studio is this striking necklace made with Grasshopper Turquoise that marries the iridescent green of this stone with an 18K gold bezel.

Set in a collar style, the stones are presented in the most natural and pure shape to highlight the incredible color. Within each setting, fractals of soft green shimmer from within the tawny rock matrix.

This distinctive green turquoise originates from the Grasshopper Mine in Nevada, the only mine of its kind. It’s an incredibly small operation and only produces a small volume of the stone each year – making Grasshopper one of the rarest types of turquoise to find. A designer of deep patience, Greig collected these particular stones over the course of four years before crafting this piece.