About Laurie Goldstein

When Laurie Goldstein’s family moved to Israel from New York, she was very concerned that she’d have to speak Hebrew with her kids. Luckily, she was eight years old and still had enough time to learn the language before her kids would be born.

Her childhood experiences include being “the new kid in class” many times, watching her parents adjust to a new country, playing and fighting with her sister, a lot of dance classes, books, an artistic and cultural education from her parents and finally, her own love of making things, always.
After completing her bachelor’s degree in set and costume design at Tel Aviv University, she set off to NYC to do a lot of drawing and ended up in the MFA program for theatre design at New York University. But then something happened that changed the course of events; she took a throwing class and fell in love with clay-completely.
Starry-eyed, she moved to a small town seven hours away from the city, in the snow belt of America, and spent the next two years passionately studying ceramics at Alfred University.
She came back to Israel, set up her own studio, joined “8 Altogether,” a cooperative gallery in Jerusalem and has since participated in many exhibitions. She continues to make functional work and is committed to the ongoing quest of combining function, aesthetics and beauty.

Text Courtesy of Laurie Goldstein Ceramics

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