To Our Santa Fe Dry Goods Community, We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for you, our community of bold and independent people who find refuge and enjoyment in beauty. In order to prioritize health and wellbeing, we are temporarily closing Santa Fe Dry Goods, Workshop & Wild Life. In the meantime, santafedrygoods.com is in bloom! Our web store will become our canvas for art and creativity while closed. We will continue to send out a selection of emails to introduce our newest designers and products that are arriving daily. If you would like to arrange an in-store appointment, please call 505-982-6192 or email help@santafedrygoods.com. Our mission is to bring you beautifully crafted goods from all over the world that have elements of comfort and simplicity, fine craftsmanship, rich textiles traditions, inspiration from nature, progressive notions of design and living, and, above all, optimism for the future. To health, beauty & kindness, Shobhan and the Team |