Ethnic Jewellery and Adornment by Truus Daalder

Antique and Vintage


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Ethnic Jewellery and Adornment by Truus Daalder

"This book is truly a gem, not only for collectors, scholars, and dealers, but also for contemporary artists and designers, who will find a ready source of inspiration amid the wide array of surprisingly “modern” ornaments. Exquisitely produced with over seven hundred large-format photographs printed on high-quality paper, this work takes a serious yet accessible approach to the jewelry of tribal areas and cultures. All the illustrated artifacts are particularly well documented. Uniquely, the book begins its journey in Australia with eighty-five photos of Aboriginal ornaments. This is followed by 119 illustrated pieces from New Guinea and sixty-eight images covering the rest of Oceania. The objects presented come from the South Australian Museum in Adelaide and from the notable Daalder private collection. Truus and Joost Daalder began collecting jewelry in 1976, after settling in Adelaide. A passionate author, inveterate collector, and thorough researcher, Truus has devoted several years of travel and study to bringing this book to fruition. The photographs were taken by her son, Jeremy. Finally, the bibliography presented at the end of the book has been compiled with great care and thoroughness to allow the reader to continue the journey.'"
Tribal Art

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